Stamping Out Campus Bike Theft

8 May 2012

Officers from Northampton North Safer Community Team recently carried out bike security marking using BikeRegister at Northampton College.

PCSOs Sean Whelan and Aarron Morris marked bikes belonging to both students and members of staff who ride their bikes to college and leave them on the premises during the day.

PCSO Whelan said: “The marking process involves marking the bike with a unique code which cannot be rubbed off. The code is unique to the owner and makes it easier to identify the bike if it is lost or stolen.

“We marked a number of bikes belonging to both students and staff, and also gave out general crime prevention advice about how to keep bikes and other property safe, and reduce the risk of becoming a victim.”

Funding for the BikeRegister marking kits was provided by Northamptonshire County Councillor for Headlands Ward, Marion Minney.
PCSO Whelan added: “Thanks to funding from Councillor Marion Minney, we have more marking kits available and we will be carrying out more bike marking events over the summer.”

For further press information and images contact: Angela Singleton, Press Officer for Selectamark. Mobile: +44 (0)7905 623 819. Email: [email protected]

For further information and images contact: Jodie Fisher, Marketing Executive for Selectamark.

Phone: +44 (0)1689 487829
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @bikeregister

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