System Timeouts
In order to hold the LPS1224 standard for our secure database, we have to build certain safeguards into our website to prevent the possibility of data being leaked. Along with the usual guidelines for password strength and lock outs due to failed logins, there are also some guidelines you may not be so familiar with.
One such safety measure is the page timeout you may have noticed at the top of the page whilst logged into the system. This automatically logs the user out after spending 15 minutes actively on the site, or after 7 minutes if the user has been idle. This system helps to prevent a users data being viewed or copied if they have left their viewing device unattended.
We appreciate that this can be frustrating if you are in the process of updating your account, but the goal is to keep your data safe.
Our location
1 Locks Court
429 Crofton Road
Kent BR6 8NL
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