How it Works

Peace of mind

Registering on BikeRegister means you could be reunited with your bike in the event of it being stolen. It does not, however, help make it a hard target to thieves.

To reduce the chances of becoming a victim of cycle theft, you can purchase one of our Security Marking Kits.

Please also note that not all frame numbers are unique, so choosing one of our security marking kits will provide your bike its own unique reference.


Your details are held on a secure online database.

We take data security incredibly seriously, which is why BikeRegister is accredited to the following standards:

  1. ISO 27001
  2. Secured by Design
  3. LPS 1224

Registering your bike is free and provides you with the following benefits:

  1. Lifetime registration on the BikeRegister database
  2. A registration Logbook, to be used as proof of ownership
  3. Secure online access to manage your account
Security Marking Kits
Membership Plus Kit
Membership Plus Kit
A highly durable tamper resistant QR Code label that gives your bike a unique BikeRegister ID

How it works video

Permanent Marking Kit
Permanent Kit
A kit to permanently mark your bike frame with a unique BikeRegister ID. This product holds Police-preferred Secured by Design accreditation

How it works video

UV Covert Kit
Covert Kit
A kit to mark all of your bike’s components with hundreds of uniquely coded microdots, as well as a permanent, colourless UV etch and a high security TESA label to visibly mark your frame.

How it works video

Get in touch

[email protected]

+ 353 (0)1 546 1150

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Our location

LIS Forensics Ltd
103 Citywest Business Centre
3013 Lake Drive
Dublin 24
D24 PPT3

© Selectamark Security Systems plc 2004 - 2025. All rights reserved.