
When my bike was stolen I never thought I'd see it again, so I was very happy when I got it back. If it hadn't been registered I don't know if I would have ever seen it again. Now I've put a BikeRegister permanent marking and warning sticker on my bike, so that next time someone tries to steal it they will see it and reconsider
IT Professional

My bike was stolen from my garage when thieves forced the door open. Because I had my bike registered with BikeRegister, I had the frame number, BikeRegister number and photos of my bike all stored online. I could quickly alert the police with all the details and let the online community know it was missing. Two months later I saw it on eBay and could prove that it was mine due to the fact I'd registered it. I visited the seller, and he agreed to return it rather than face prosecution. It's well worth registering your bike because in a situation like this it is the only way you can have concrete evidence that the stolen bike is indeed yours.

On the 17th September my faithful mountain bike was stolen . After a night out I secured the bike with some cables but without passing my D-locks through the frame or wheels. The wires securing the bike were cut cleanly. The next morning I phoned BikeRegister and a nice lady helped me recover my password in order to log into my account. I reported my bike as stolen to the Police within 48 hours. They commented how it is rare for people to give them clear details about the frame number, colour, make and model. This was clearly recorded on the BikeRegister database. The Police returned my bike after a couple of days, when they stopped someone suspicious on my bike.
Software Engineer

The BikeRegister scheme is a fantastic and simple idea, and I would recommend it to anyone who owns a bike. I was able to have my bike marked during a Police session at my local train station and have since reaped the rewards – without BikeRegister my stolen bike would never have been returned to me. The police in fact commented on how many bikes they check, and suspect are stolen, but have no way to prove it as so many people do not register them.
Fundraising Coordinator

My bike was stolen and I found it 2 days later on an online ad site. I contacted the seller to arrange a time to meet him and contacted the police who also attended. Undercover officers turned up and pretended that they wanted to buy the bike. In just 2 days I got my bike back, albeit with different tyres, handlebars and brakes! I am so grateful to BikeRegister, as I was able to prove that is was my bike.
I had my bike marked by British Transport Police at Angmerring Station. Shortly afterwards I went to Lancashire on a short break with my bike. I'd locked it to a fence on a quiet access road. Imagine my surprise when Lancashire Police rang me to ask me whether I'd had my bike stolen! Having seen my bike within the previous hour, my initial reaction was one of surprise, quickly replaced by relief in the knowledge that they had not only recovered my bike but also apprehended the thieves. What I find truly amazing is that the police obviously didn't know that I was on holiday in Lancashire and as far as they were concerned I was in West Sussex, yet they were able to contact me directly to let me know that my bike had been recovered before I even knew it had been stolen! From the first contact by the police officers to having my bike returned, took less than three hours.
Simon Baldwin,
West Sussex

I was immediately alerted to the fact that the stolen bike that had been recovered had stickers on it and had been marked using a BikeRegister permanent marking kit. The owner of the Probike was very pleased to get his bike back as he had spent a long while saving up for it and had been devastated when it was stolen. This is proof that BikeRegister works, as without the marking on the bike we would have had no way of finding out who it belonged to. The owner was overjoyed to get his bike back, so much so that he hugged the officer who returned it to him!
PCSO Tracey South,
Thorpe Wood, Peterborough

We arrested a man who was caught selling a stolen bike on the street. It then transpired he had a van-load of bikes, all stolen, which he was trying to sell-on quickly. On inspection, one of the bikes in the van had been marked with a BikeRegister marking and the others hadn’t. The marked bike has since been reunited with its owner, while we are still trying to trace who the other bikes belong to. Without a marking this is a time-consuming and difficult, sometimes impossible task.
PC Robert Johnston,
MET Police's Cycle Task Force

British Transport Police are applying BikeRegister’s permanent markings to cycles left at rail station cycle storage areas. These act as a visible deterrent but also ensure that stolen bikes are easier to identify and given back to their original owners if recovered. We are using BikeRegister as their product and database have achieved accreditation by ACPO’s Secured by Design scheme.
PC Jerry Isterling,
British Transport Police

Top-of-the-range mountain bikes and ‘new-looking’ bikes are popular with thieves, who then sell them on for profit. Many bikes are taken by organised gangs who particularly target areas such as Marchmont, which is about a mile from Edinburgh city centre, and has high levels of bicycle ownership. Our bike theft initiative using BikeRegister is ongoing and everybody we have dealt with has given it praise.
PC Bert Wilson,
Crime Prevention Officer, Police Scotland

I believe in the product, have been present at many Bike Marking events and can draw upon personal experiences whereby I have detained, arrested and have secured convictions for suspects that have been caught riding bikes that have been reported stolen. These have been confirmed from BikeRegister. I think it’s a fantastic tool and one that police use with ease.
PC Lisa Khelifi,
Roads and Transport Policing Unit, MET Police
My bike was stolen from my garden shed and luckily enough was returned to me by the police two weeks later. My bike had been marked with BikeRegister, which was a great tool for recovery in this situation, especially the log book to prove the bike was mine. Would definitely recommend BikeRegister, it’s a great service.
Christopher Bainbridge,
I think BikeRegister is a brilliant idea. There is no way I would have got my bike back without it. My bike is so important to me because I use it everyday and it is my main form of transport in London. I was really upset to think it had been stolen, but when it was recovered so quickly, it made my day!
Bonnie O'Shea,
Parliamentary IT worker
Evans Cycles are proud to support cycle security awareness initiatives such as the Cycle Task Force’s bike registration (BikeRegister) campaign. As experts in cycling, we know how looking after your bike can make a big difference to help combat theft.
Mike Hedgecox,
People and Stores Director, Evans Cycles

The introduction of BikeRegister at some of the schools in Doncaster has been an added bonus as it brings to the forefront the idea that the children should be concentrating on security. They need to remember to lock their bikes up when they get off them and leave them somewhere. Once a child has had their bike marked, if it is ever lost or stolen and then recovered by police, there is a high possibility that they will get it back.
Jim Cole,
Sustrans Bike-It Officer
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